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Journal of Coating Technology and Innovation


ISSN: 3048-5193


right arrow  Arunas Ramanavicius
Professor, Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences, Vilnius University
Email: arunas.ramanavicius@chf.vu.lt


right arrow  Mohamed Sayed Selim
Associate Professor, Applied Chemistry Department, Electric Power Research Institute
Email: mohamedselim@gudt.edu.cn
right arrow  Ihor Virt
Professor, Physical Sciences Department, Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University
Email: isvirt@dspu.edu.ua
right arrow  Yuri Evtushenko
Senior Researcher, Polymer Department, N. S. Enikolopov Institute of Synthetic Polymer Materials
Email: evtushenkoym@ispm.ru
right arrow  Zehra Yildiz
Assistant Professor, Textile Engineering Department, Marmara University
Email: zehra.yildiz@marmara.edu.tr
right arrow  GÃœLÅžAH E. KARTAL
Faculty of Engineering, Textile Engineering Department, Dokuz Eylül University
Email: gulsah.kartal@deu.edu.tr
right arrow  Weizhou Li
Distinguished Professor, School of Materials Science and Engineering Department, Xiamen University of Technology
Email: wzli@xmut.edu.cn
right arrow  Fariza Mohamad
Associate Professor, Electrical & Electronic Engineering Department, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia
Email: farizamd@uthm.edu.my
right arrow  Shedrack Gad
Graduate Teaching Assistant, Materials Department, The University of Manchester
Email: shedrack.gad@postgrad.manchester.ac.uk
right arrow  Younes Essamlali
Research Fellow, Valorisation of Natural Resources Center, MAScIR Foundation
Email: y.essamlali@mascir.ma
right arrow  Pavel MareÅ¡
Physicist, R&D Department, HVM PLASMA Ltd.
Email: pavel.mares@hvm.cz
right arrow  Luigi Vesce
Senior Researcher and Lecturer, Electronic Engineering Department, Centre for Hybrid and Organic Solar Energy, University of Rome Tor Vergata
Email: vesce@ing.uniroma2.it
right arrow  Zeng Qunfeng
Associate Professor, School of Mechanical Engineering, Xi\'an Jiaotong University
Email: qzeng@xjtu.edu.cn
right arrow  Sagir Alva
Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering Department, Universitas Mercu Buana
Email: sagir.alva@mercubuana.ac.id
right arrow  Ali Akgül
Professor, Mathematics Department, Siirt University
Email: aliakgul@siirt.edu.tr
right arrow  Valentina Siracusa
Professor, Chemical Science Department, University of Catania
Email: vsiracus@dmfci.unict.it
right arrow  Anastasios Zavos
Post-Doc Researcher, Mechanical Engineering & Aeronautics Department, University of Patras
Email: zavos@upatras.gr
right arrow  Luisa Hora de Carvalho
Coordinator Professor, Wood Engineering Department, ESTGV (IPV-Polytechnic Institute of Viseu)
Email: lhcarvalho@estgv.ipv.pt
right arrow  Mohd. Shkir
Associate Professor, Physics Department, King Khalid University
Email: shkirphysics@kku.edu.sa
right arrow  Claudia Barile
Associate Professor, Mechanical Design and Machine Construction Department, Politecnico di Bari
Email: claudia.barile@poliba.it
right arrow  Evangelos Manthos
Assistant Professor, School of Civil Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Email: emanthos@civil.auth.gr
right arrow  Arun Kumar
Researcher, Physics Department, University of Salerno
Email: akumar@unisa.it
right arrow  Arunas Ramanavicius
Professor, Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences, Vilnius University
Email: arunas.ramanavicius@chf.vu.lt
right arrow  Muralidhar Miryala
Board of Councilor, OB Chair WTUN and Professor, Shibaura Institute of Technology
Email: miryala1@shibaura-it.ac.jp
right arrow  Habib Shoeibi
Assistant Professor, Mechanical engineering Department, Islamic Azad University
Email: hshoeibi@iauahvaz.ac.ir
right arrow  Azeez O. Idris
WESTChem, Pure and Applied Chemistry Department, University of Strathclyde, Technology and Innovation Centre
Email: eadrisao@unisa.ac.za
right arrow  Michela Pecoraro
Professor, Pharmacy Department, University of Salerno
Email: mipecoraro@unisa.it
right arrow  Ki Bum Kim
Professor, Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials Engineering Department, Sejong University
Email: kbkim@sejong.ac.kr
right arrow  Xinghui Liu
Research Fellow, Materials Science and Engineering Department, City University of Hong Kong
Email: liuxinghui@skku.edu
right arrow  Ramavath Baloji Naik
Scientist-E, Protective Coating Division Department, Naval Materials Research Laboratory, Defence Research and Development Organisation
Email: naikr.nmrl@gov.in
right arrow  Jiang Li
R&D Engineer, Maxeon Solar Technologies
Email: jl16u@my.fsu.edu
right arrow  Flavio Deflorian
Professor, Industrial Engineering Department, University of Trento
Email: flavio.deflorian@unitn.it
right arrow  Hongjian Wu
Researcher, Institute for Materials Engineering, Helmut Schmidt University
Email: wuh@hsu-hh.de
right arrow  Emre Arkan
Assistant Professor, Chemistry Department, University of Silesia
Email: emre.arkan@us.edu.pl
right arrow  Akbar Hojjati-Najafabadi
Associate Professor, School of Materials Science and Physics, China University of Mining and Technology
Email: a_hojjati@cumt.edu.cn
right arrow  Raul José Silvério Bernardino
Adjunct Teacher, Polytechnic Department, Polytechnic Institute of Leiria School of Tourism and Sea Technology of Peniche
Email: raul.bernardino@ipleiria.pt
right arrow  Xinhong Wang
Professor, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Shandong University
Email: xinhongwang@sdu.edu.cn
right arrow  Bindu Subhadra
Research Scientist, Veterinary Biomedical Sciences Department, Long Island University
Email: bindu.subhadra@liu.edu
right arrow  Auezhan Amanov
Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering Department, Sun Moon University
Email: avaz2662@sunmoon.ac.kr
right arrow  Cristian Carrera-Figueiras
Research Professor, Faculty of Chemical Engineering, Autonomous University of Yucatan
Email: cristian.carrera@correo.uady.mx
right arrow  Wengao Zhao
Postdoctoral Researcher, Nanotechnology Department, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) & BASF
Email: wengao.zhao@kit.edu
right arrow  Sushant K. Rawal
Process Development Engineer, Mechanical Engineering Department, McMaster University
Email: sushant@mcmaster.ca
right arrow  Ramesh Kasi
Associate Professor, Physics Department, University of Malaya
Email: rameshkasi@um.edu.my
right arrow  Jianhong He
Senior Materials Scientist, Oerlikon Metco
Email: Jianhong.He@oerlikon.com
right arrow  Essam Bahgat Moustafa
Associate Professor, Faculty of Engineering, Mechanical Engineering Department, King Abdulaziz University
Email: abmostafa@kau.edu.sa
right arrow  Kadhim Al-Attafi
Lecturer, College of Science, Physics Department, University Of Kerbala
Email: kadhim.m@uokerbala.edu.iq
right arrow  Hui Zhang
Associate Professor, College of Mechanical Engineering, Qilu University of Technology (Shandong Academy of Sciences)
Email: zhanghui198787@qlu.edu.cn
right arrow  S Kaliappan
Professor, Mechanical engineering Department, Velammal Institute of Technology
Email: kaliappan.mtr@kcgcollege.com
right arrow  Andrea Kalendova
Professor, Chemical Technology Department, University of Pardubice
Email: andrea.kalendova@upce.cz

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